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Mac (Desert Sinners MC Book 1) Page 7
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Page 7
“Okay…I think I understand.”
He watched my face a beat before he said, “Your uncle has a history with the Desert Sinners.”
“What?” I knew Stu had lived in Las Vegas for a while, but I would never have guessed he had any dealings with a motorcycle club. In fact, he talked a lot of shit about people who owned motorcycles and always had something to say when he saw someone who was in a club.
“He actually tried to patch in a long time ago.”
“Patch in?” I questioned.
“Become a member,” Viking explained.
“Anyway, that’s how I met Karen. Whatever your mother thought about me, I don’t doubt your uncle kept you a secret just to spite me,” he growled. It was clear he was angry about being left in the dark. “He knows I wouldn’t have allowed him to have any part in raising you after your mom died.”
I nodded in acknowledgment. Somehow, I knew that was true. Viking was accepting of me now, and I was pretty sure he would have been twenty years ago.
“You said you had a couple of things you needed to be honest about?” I asked.
“I also wanted to let you know that I had a couple of my guys check in on you.”
“Yeah, I figured…Mac stopped in and said hi,” I said lamely, recalling the visit clearly, but Viking frowned. I quickly added, “Anyway, you were saying?”
“Right...anyway,” he resumed. “You know the life I lead, the world we live in, isn’t like what you’re used to.” He stopped, only continuing when I nodded my head in understanding. “We’ve got some shit going on with another club...” I started to interrupt, but he put his hand up to stop me. “Before you even ask, I’m not giving you any details on that. We don’t share club business with our families.”
I was starting to get freaked out. What kind of things were they involved in that their families couldn’t know about? Maybe it’d been a bad idea to come here after all.
As quickly as that thought entered my head, I pushed it away. Even if they did some things I may not agree with, I couldn’t deny that I’d been happier over the last couple of weeks getting to know Viking.
“That said, I don’t like the fact that my daughter is living in a seedy motel, all alone and too far from us.”
“It was all I could afford when I got into town. I’m going to start looking for a new place soon,” I said, trying to reassure him. In fact, I’d already started saving for a deposit on an apartment near the diner and Viking’s home. “I make pretty good tips at the diner, and Pam gives me as many hours as I’m willing to work.”
“We have plenty of room here, Kate,” Meredith piped up.
I looked at her, my mouth agape. Was she really asking me to move in with them? I thought it was a generous offer, but it was too soon for me.
“Oh, wow. That’s nice…and unexpected. But I don’t think I can accept. All of this is so new. It’s just a little overwhelming.” The truth was, I didn’t want to do anything to disrupt how well things were going for me.
“That’s understandable,” Viking said, but I could tell he wasn’t going to let this rest. “So, I have another proposition for you. There’s a small, one-bedroom bungalow on the same property as the clubhouse, but it has its own entrance. You won’t even see the guys from the club. It’s nothing special, but you’d be doing me a favor if you stayed there.”
“I’d be doing you a favor?” I asked, since I wasn’t quite sure how that worked.
“Yeah, it needs a little bit of work. A good cleaning and some paint. If you could take care of that, I’d appreciate it.”
Meredith reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing tightly before releasing it. “Honestly, sweetie, Viking and I would sleep better at night knowing you’re somewhere safe. Somewhere close by, in case you needed us.”
I could feel my eyes watering at their kindness, but I managed to keep it together. “I...well...how much is the rent?” I asked, needing to make sure I could afford it before I accepted, and I definitely wanted to accept.
“We can talk about that later,” he answered, and I had a feeling he wouldn’t be bringing it up again. “So, what do you say? You want the place?”
I beamed at both him and Meredith. “Absolutely.”
When I left that night, I had a true sense of home. I still needed to get to know my new family, and try to understand the club world, but I felt like it could and would happen. I was so happy I thought I’d burst. My life only seemed to get brighter, and as I looked up at the night sky, the billions of stars twinkling down at me, I gave a silent “thank you” to my mom. She’d promised in her last letter to me that she’d always look out for me. I was truly excited about my future. I just had to believe I deserved to be happy, and for the first time in my life, I felt anything was possible.
A few days later, as I did my hair and makeup, I thought about how moving to Vegas was the best thing I ever did. I was building a relationship with my father. His wife was super friendly and kind, and I’d enjoyed getting to know Finn and Gunnar.
I also loved my job at the diner. It was a grueling job with small pay, but working with Pam and Evelyn was fun. Pam had taken on a motherly role that I was so desperately missing, and Evelyn was turning out to be a great friend. She was even going out with me in a couple of weeks to celebrate my birthday.
Back in Apple Valley, everyone would always talk about going to Vegas to celebrate their twenty-first birthday. I’d always wanted to make plans to do that but figured with my limited funds, it wouldn’t happen. Now that I was living here, nothing was stopping me from having a fantastic birthday.
Viking, on the other hand, wasn’t a huge fan of the idea when I’d told him at another family dinner the other night. He was taking his role as a father seriously. While I wanted to remind him I was an adult and was capable of handling things on my own, I was grateful that he cared enough to worry about me.
I heard my cell phone ring and smiled when I saw Viking’s name.
“Hi there,” I answered. I was still hesitant about calling him Dad. It seemed like that was something sacred, and I hadn’t earned the right to do so yet.
“Hi, darlin’. Am I catching you at a bad time?”
“Nope, just getting ready for work,” I answered as I searched my room for my work apron.
“Well, I wanted to make sure you were able to get this weekend off, so we can get you moved into your new place like we planned.”
“I did, but I was hoping to come by today and see what all needs to be done.”
“I’m leaving the keys with Mac at the clubhouse, if you want to come by tomorrow and check it out.”
I hesitated, butterflies swarming in my stomach at the mention of Mac. The idea of seeing him again excited me. At the same time, I couldn’t be lusting after someone Viking was close to, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to get involved with a club member.
“Kate, honey, you there?”
“Uh, yeah, I’m here,” I said quickly. “That works. Thank you. I don’t have to be at work until three tomorrow afternoon. I’ll come by on my way in.”
“No problem. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Bye,” I responded, with a big, goofy smile on my face and looking forward to tomorrow for more than one reason.
I texted Kate that I’d be waiting outside her new place. There’d been a couple of other times I’d almost texted her but then thought better of it. I was supposed to be getting her used to the club, not developing anything else with her. But damn if she didn’t consume my thoughts.
When Viking had made it known to the whole club that Kate would be living in the house on the other side of the property, no one had said anything but looks had been exchanged. She hadn’t been formally introduced to the club yet, and that needed to be remedied quick. But to me, it was a no-brainer. Having her close by would make the job I’d been tasked with a lot easier. Plus, Meredith was working on introducing Kate soon.
I glanced over
when I heard her car pull up. As she got out, I looked her over from head to toe, making no effort in disguising my perusal. She was looking good. That long, blonde hair was begging for someone to wrap their hands in it and pull. She had a nice rack and ass, another thing some of my brothers had noticed, much to my irritation. The only thing stopping me from dragging her into the house and having my way with her was the fact that she was Viking’s kid.
“So, do you wear that outfit everywhere you go?” I laughed as I checked her out again. The blue, pinstripe dress was short, showing off her long, tan legs. She had to be cold, but I sure appreciated the view.
“I’m heading to work as soon as I’m done here,” she said, putting a hand on her hip.
“I’m not criticizing, Kate,” I said, smiling slowly, “I’m just imagining what’s underneath.”
I wasn’t usually that blunt when I flirted with her, but I couldn’t help myself.
Her face got beet red, but she straightened her spine and walked up to me, hand out. “Keys, please.”
Impressed, I dug them out of my right pocket and dropped them in her open palm.
“Thank you,” she said, giving me an appraising glance.
When I followed after her, she let out a little huff. She turned around and put a hand on my chest; the pressure was light but firm. “I don’t need you here, Mac.” She looked up at me. “I’m a big girl, I can handle myself.”
I stepped into her so that her palm was flat against my chest. Her fingers curled inward, almost automatically. “I know you can,” I told her. “I just like being near you.”
She dropped her hand, looking away. The blush never went away when I was around.
To put her at ease, I showed her around, going through the living room then heading to the kitchen. “This whole house needs a shit-ton of work, but whatever you need done, the club will help you out. Whatever needs fixing, just say the word.” She just nodded. “You’re not much of a talker, are you?”
“Don’t have much to say,” she mumbled, still not opening up.
“Why is that?”
She shrugged, but I waited, not letting her off the hook. She rolled her eyes, acting put out, but she finally answered. “Just the way I grew up, I guess... It was always best to not say much. It made my life easier.”
“I get it, I do…” I gestured for her to follow me as I led her to the back of the house. “I can tell you don’t want to talk about it, and that’s fine, but you’re strong, a survivor.”
“Oh?” she asked, sounding surprised by my comment. “You really think so?”
I stopped in the hallway and looked back at her. “Yeah, I do. It took guts to come here, find Viking, and tell him the truth.”
Her eyes got wide, and she blinked rapidly a few times. “So...how did you come to be a Desert Sinner?” she asked, not responding to my comment but I could tell my words had affected her.
I waited to answer until we’d reached the bedroom and I leaned against the doorframe. “My parents abandoned me when I was young. They’re still alive but I don’t speak to them, and it’s for the best,” I said bluntly. Even though I’d accepted my past, I could admit it still stung, but for the most part, I’d worked through my shit. I’d learned through the club that regrets were a waste of time. Live in the moment, enjoy what you have now, and accept and learn from the past. “If not for the club, and Falcon, his family taking me in as one of their own...I’d probably be dead.”
She sighed. “Guess we’re both lucky to have found the Desert Sinners, huh?”
“Yeah, we are.” Why I was sharing personal shit like this with Kate was beyond me since I’d never really discussed it with anyone. Wolf knew, but that was because we grew up together. I was finding that despite coming from two different worlds, Kate and I had a lot in common. A little uneasy about that realization, I shoved off the doorframe and jammed my hands in the front pockets of my jeans.
“I guess...all the bad stuff happened for a reason,” she said, looking at me.
“Makes you appreciate what you have when you finally get it,” I said, agreeing with her. “And you’ll find that you have it now. I promise, Kate, you won’t regret it either. You are home. You deserve to have a safe place, and people that’ll care and look after you. Even if you’re not sure right now, don’t forget what I’m saying, okay?”
At that, she gave me a beautiful smile. “You can be nice sometimes, Mac. I didn’t know that about you.”
I scoffed lightly. “Don’t get used to it, sweetheart.”
At that, instead of a frown, she laughed softly, shaking her head. “I need to get going,” she said, moving down the hall. “Thanks for the tour.”
When she looked over her shoulder at me, I almost thought she was making sure I was following. I knew, right then, that no matter what, I’d always have her back.
My conversation with Mac occupied my thoughts for most of the day. It was super busy at the diner, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Meredith and the boys come in.
The twins rushed me as I was passing off a large, brown tub with dirty dishes to Evelyn across the counter. Meredith gave me a quick hug, like it was something we did all the time. The boys stopped their rambling of what they did at school to plop down at the counter, dropping their book bags on the ground as soon as Pam presented two huge pieces of chocolate pie.
“Sorry to bother you when you’re busy!” Meredith said, smiling.
I moved us toward the side near the kitchen door, where there were fewer people. “It’s okay, I’m glad to see you,” I said. “What brings you and the boys around?”
“Well, every month, I plan a family barbecue. Usually on a Friday or Saturday since the kids can stay up a bit later. And since you’re officially moving into the house this weekend, I figured Saturday night would be as good as any.”
She looked at me expectantly, but I had no idea what to say. The idea of being in a room full of bikers tomorrow evening and their idea of a party—
“It’s not what you’re thinking,” Meredith said, cutting right through my thoughts and chuckling. “It’s only family, no club girls, much tamer.”
I exhaled, not realizing I’d been holding my breath. But those nerves I’d had since I arrived in Vegas ramped up a hundredfold. “The whole club will be there?”
She nodded. “Old ladies, kids, close friends of the club. It’s fun, very relaxed.”
I doubted that, but I had a sinking feeling this was a big deal. She was doing this for me, like some sort of coming out party, or whatever. Viking wanted me to be part of this, part of him. Meredith clearly had no issues, and she was so normal and put together. She knew this world and how to function in it, and maybe she could help me. Actually, I had no doubt she would. I just had to ask.
So, I took another deep breath and made a decision. “Okay,” I said. “I’m in.”
Meredith’s brilliant smile made me smile in return. She gave me another hug that I heartily returned, and by the time she and the twins left, I felt a little more at ease about the barbecue. Then again, I’d be seeing Mac, and god only knew what things he’d say to me to make me blush, but this time, in front of the whole club.
It was seven by the time I got off work, changed at the motel, and then sped all the way to the clubhouse. For the past hour, I was relieved to find that I wasn’t put on the spot. I was acknowledged by everyone and welcomed warmly, but no one asked me questions or pried. They let me be and didn’t push.
Meredith was always there when I needed her. She eased me through the introductions of the patched members, giving me pointers on conduct, the lingo, and how things worked. Frankly, it was all too much, and I knew I didn’t absorb a lot of it, but everyone was patient with me.
The family atmosphere, while unexpected, was wonderful to see. It was hard to fathom this was my life now.
After a couple of hours, I needed some air and found a secluded spot near a few desert willows lining the fe
nce in the backyard. Even though I’d been offered a beer, I’d opted for a ginger ale with lime. I stood there sipping my drink, watching the flames shoot up into the sky from the fire pit. There was just as much activity outside as inside. The grills were still going on the far side of the yard, with people waiting in line for seconds, while a mix of country and rock blared so loud from the speakers I could feel the bass vibrating through my body. Since the clubhouse was situated in an unincorporated area, the stars seemed to blanket the dark sky as far as the eye could see, and it felt like we’re on a different planet.
I looped my fingers through the wire fence, seeing nothing but desert and the outline of some rocky mountain I didn’t know the name of off in the distance.
Wild and free, that was the motto of the club and out here, they had it. I could see its attraction and its dangers. But mostly, I took into account the things that mattered most to these people: Family. Trust. Honor. Togetherness. Love.
I jumped a little, then relaxed when I saw it was Mac.
“Hey back,” I said, heart racing and not just because he’d surprised me.
“Having fun?” he asked, settling next to me and mimicking my stance by looping his fingers through the chain link.
He laughed. “I hear ya,” he said. “We party hard, even on family night.”
“It’s wonderful, actually, everyone getting together. You’re all so tight. So close.”
“You can be part of it, too, Kate. If you want,” he reminded me.
That was both the problem and the solution. “I know...”
“What’s stopping you?” he asked, apparently hearing the conflict in my voice.
“Me,” I murmured.
“Why’s that?”
“Because I don’t know what being a part of a family truly means. The loyalty you hold dear—it’s just a vague, unfamiliar concept to me.”