Mac (Desert Sinners MC Book 1) Page 6
“Yes. Why?” I asked, my throat dry.
“I want to give you my number, in case you need me for anything,” he stated casually, programming his number in my phone, his own buzzing a few seconds later.
Those last words reverberated in my skull: In case you need me for anything.
“I don’t need anything from anybody,” I stated, softly.
He smiled again, this time, not so nicely. “Just remember this one thing, Kate. Anything you need, I’ll be there. Whenever you want me, I won’t hesitate.”
The heat in his voice slithered through my veins like molten lava. Speechless, I could feel my whole face get blazing hot again at his innuendo, something Mac always managed to do at least once when we saw each other, which was rare, and probably a good thing or I would have burned up into ash by now.
“Good seeing you, sweetheart,” Mac said as he opened the door and, without a backward glance, left.
I stood there like an idiot, still processing everything and my heart racing fast in my chest. I was hot all over, and my brain was mush.
It was cowardly, but I waited to leave my room until I knew Mac was gone and I’d calmed down. Once I sat behind the driver’s seat of my car, I reflected on our interaction that had just occurred. I couldn’t focus on anything other than the way Mac looked at me during our conversation.
I didn’t know what it signaled, only that something had happened. His words kept playing over and over in my head the whole car ride to the Strip, where I was meeting Evelyn, and I couldn’t shake this idea that Mac and me...well...there was definitely something to be worked out between us. And I wasn’t sure whether to be excited or worried.
“Want to grab some lunch?” Viper asked from somewhere above me.
I slid out from under the car I was working on, which was taking a lot longer to fix than it should have. I kept thinking about a hot blonde I had no right to think about—not to mention the dirtier thoughts that Viking would kill me over—and it was pissing me off I was letting some girl distract me so much.
She’s not just some girl.
“Yo, Mac, hello?” Viper said, knocking on the side of the car.
“Yeah. Sure. Give me five minutes.” I stood up to head to the back room so I could get cleaned up a bit.
When I walked in, I saw Wolf sitting at one of the tables, typing away furiously on his phone.
“What’s up?” I asked when he put his phone back down.
“Don’t know, man. Hawk and Fitz said they’ve come across some weird shit on their ride up to Reno.”
Hawk was Wolf’s brother, and Fitz was our Sergeant-at-Arms. The two of them left a couple of days ago to make sure our charter club there was on the lookout for anything having to do with the Phantoms.
The Desert Sinners had started in Las Vegas, but over the years, several charters popped up all around the southwest. It gave us strength in numbers but also put a target on our backs with the Phantoms. They figured if they could get rid of us, they could control our allies and would also gain a considerable area.
“What kind of weird shit?” I asked as I scrubbed my hands, trying to get rid of the grease all over them.
“They checked on a few of our clients who were suddenly hesitant to do business with us. Hawk didn’t push too hard for details, but it was obvious the Phantoms had paid them a visit.”
This shit with the Phantoms was getting worse, and if we didn’t act carefully, it was going to end up with a full-blown war between the two clubs.
“When are they coming back?”
“In a couple of days. Viking has them checking on a few more things before they head home.”
I nodded in response. It sounded like Viking had everything under control, which wasn’t surprising. However, I knew it was only a matter of time before we were dealing with this more aggressively. No doubt they’d be our main topic at church.
“Viper and I are headed to lunch. Want to go?” I asked, tossing my paper towels in the trash.
“Food sounds good. We eating at the diner?” The asshole had a shit-eating grin when he asked that.
Not taking the bait, I merely nodded my head and walked out. No way I was going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that’s exactly where I wanted to go. He’d been on me since we stopped by the shit-ass motel Kate was staying at. And the fact that I’d been eating at the diner at least once a day since then. I knew he saw the way I looked at her while she worked, but I wasn’t going to acknowledge his comments about it. I was doing what Viking asked, that was it. So what if I enjoyed looking at her while doing what I was ordered to do? I wasn’t the only one who liked to look though, and that irritated the fuck out of me. I was not the guy that got crazy about some girl, but this one had me all tied up in knots.
The three of us walked the few blocks to the restaurant, and I immediately spotted Kate’s car in the parking lot. While I wouldn’t share my personal thoughts with Wolf, I couldn’t lie to myself. I was excited at the possibility of seeing her.
“Colt’s gonna join us in a few minutes,” Viper said as he opened the door.
As soon as I stepped in, I saw Kate. It wasn’t bad enough I had a hard time keeping my eyes off her, but now she was standing up on her toes reaching for something on the shelf above her head. Her dress was rising up, exposing the back of her thighs. Just a little bit more and we would all have a clear shot of her ass.
“Well, that’s a mighty fine view,” Wolf drawled.
I gave him a warning look. “Knock it off, asshole.”
His responding laugh got the attention of the gorgeous waitress.
“Oh, hey guys! Table for three?” Kate asked as she walked over to us, a massive grin on her face.
“Actually, there’ll be four of us. Colt’s on his way,” Viper explained, as she grabbed some menus and led us to the table in the back that we preferred.
She took our drink order and walked away. My eyes never left her until she rounded the corner.
I turned back to the table and saw Viper watching me with a raised brow. I decided to ignore his questioning glance. Viking had asked me and Wolf to be discreet, and here I was, being obvious as fuck.
“What’s up?” Colt asked as he joined our group.
“Not much. Just appears Mac here has a little crush on Viking’s daughter,” Viper decided to announce.
Wolf started laughing hysterically while Colt just looked at me with a small smile. I flipped them all off and went back to reading my menu.
“You know you can’t fuck her, right?” Colt asked after he sat down across from me. Leave it up to him to turn this into a serious discussion.
“I’m not going to fuck her. She has a nice ass, that’s it.” The conversation needed to end before she came back and heard us.
“Did you guys check out where she was staying?” Viper asked, as we all looked over the menu and decided what we wanted to eat.
“It was a total shithole. The whole area is bad, man. Viking needs to get her the hell out of there,” Wolf answered with a frown.
I agreed. I hated the thought of her staying there unprotected. When we’d reported back to Viking, he assured us he had a plan, but he had to go about it in a way that wouldn’t scare her off. Kate seeing members of the club nearly every day was helping her get used to us. She wasn’t ready to participate or even witness another wild party night, but I thought she might be up for one of our more relaxed family barbecues that Meredith spearheaded every month at the clubhouse.
A few minutes later, Kate came back to take our order. It was quiet in the diner, only an older couple on the other side of the restaurant was here, so we convinced Kate to take a break and join us when she brought out our food. She always declined but not today, which pleased all of us. It meant her comfort level with the club, and us, was heading in a positive direction.
“How do you like it out here so far?” Viper asked Kate when she pulled up a chair and sat at the end of th
e table.
Even though Viper was always looking for his next hookup, I knew he wasn’t hitting on her. He seemed genuinely interested in what was going on with her, and, like all of us, I knew that stemmed from the respect he had for Viking.
“It’s actually better than I expected,” she replied, glancing up briefly and looking right at me.
"You plan on sticking around for a while?" This was from Wolf, and unlike Viper, I knew he would flirt with her given a chance. I gripped my fork a little harder than necessary as I awaited her answer.
“I… I’m really not sure.”
“I think Viking would be disappointed if you left,” I added.
Her smile was bright at the mention of her father.
We continued to chat until her break was over and it was time for us to head back to the shop.
As we walked out the door, I turned back around to look at Kate once more. She gave me a shy smile and then ducked her head and went back to work.
I left there knowing I wanted her to stay, but not sure what that meant. And knowing I couldn’t break Viking’s trust, no matter how much I wanted her.
I couldn’t think of a time I’d ever been this nervous. Viking had invited me over to his house for dinner tonight, where I was going to meet his wife, Meredith, for the first time, as well as his sons, my half-brothers.
The last week had been a calm one, and I was getting into a regular routine. I saw Mac, usually with Wolf, almost every day. I took my breaks with the boys, and while our conversations weren’t deep or personal, Mac always asked how I was doing and if I needed anything. The way he’d ask if I needed anything made me blush every time, and Mac would smile that slow, knowing smile.
And when I was working, when his lunch hour stretched to another hour, I always felt his eyes on me the whole time. It should have weirded me out, but it didn’t. When Jonathan would openly stare at me, with that look in his eyes, it’d been a huge turn-off, but with Mac, it was a major turn-on. It made no sense, it just felt…good.
Today, at lunch, when I’d blurted to him about tonight, he told me to have fun, be myself, and say whatever was on my mind. Simple but well-meaning. I could almost forget the darker, seedier side to him and the club, but I knew I’d have to deal with that at some point, just not right this moment.
My car was parked in the driveway of a large, modern-style home, and had been for the past ten minutes. It was not at all the house I thought a biker would live in. The rooflines were all different heights, the windows all different shapes, and the red brick façade on the lower half of the house was a nice contrast to the cream-colored paint. The landscaping was beautiful, there was a small, lush patch of grass, and the rest was a mix of rocks and succulents.
Inside the house was my newfound family and it was all a little overwhelming. I never had a problem with the fact that I was an only child, but I always wondered what it would have been like to grow up with siblings. Now that I had the chance to be a part of a real family, all of my fears came rushing back. What if they hated me? What if they were pissed I’d appeared out of nowhere and disrupted their dynamic?
I was so lost in my head, I didn’t notice someone walking out of the house.
“Everything okay out here?” A beautiful brunette with bright emerald eyes asked through my slightly open window.
“Um, yeah, everything’s fine,” I replied as I turned off my car and got out. “You must be Meredith.” I stuck my hand out for her to shake.
“And you must be Kate.” She smiled at me when she took my hand, and her kindness put me at ease. Maybe this wouldn’t be as awkward as I’d imagined it. “Welcome.”
I started to follow her back up to the house but then remembered something.
“Oh, wait,” I said as I went back to my car and opened the back door. “Can’t forget this.” I held up the chocolate pie I’d picked up at the diner on my way over.
“That looks great!” Meredith said, smiling. “Viking has a bit of a sweet tooth, so you’ll make him a happy man when he sees this.”
We walked into the house, and I was just as shocked by the inside as I was by the outside. The front entry led into a large, open living area where three cream-colored couches surrounded a dark coffee table. Off to the right was a dining room, large enough to hold several people. Most everything was done in neutral colors with just small pops of color. I loved it.
“Viking’s in the kitchen. We can go sit in there while he finishes up dinner.”
“Okay.” I followed Meredith into the kitchen, which was nothing short of a chef’s dream. The large island took up the center of the room with state-of-the-art stainless steel appliances all along the walls.
“Wow!” I realized I said that out loud when both my father and Meredith chuckled.
“What can I say? I love to cook.”
I laughed at his response, setting the pie on the counter. Cooking was the last thing I expected Viking to be into. But now that I was here, I couldn’t wait to try whatever he was making for us.
“I’m glad you were able to make it tonight,” he said, as he took a quick peek in the oven. He looked so relaxed in his blue jeans and a black T-shirt. He leaned back against the countertop with his massive arms crossed over his chest, a simple smile on his face.
“Me too,” I replied, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.
And I was really happy to be here. As much as my grandmother tried to show me love, I never felt like I was a part of a family. How could I, when the men of the house constantly reminded me how unwanted I was.
This was different than anything I had ever experienced, and I could feel my chest getting tight from the emotions it was invoking in me.
“Is she here yet?” I heard someone yell from down the hallway. My feelings were getting too intense, so I was grateful for the interruption.
Before anyone could answer, two tornadoes, one blond and one brunette, came tearing through the kitchen.
“Boys! Be careful,” Meredith reprimanded from her seat next to me.
Viking playfully caught them both by the collar of their shirts and turned them around to face me. “Guys, I want you to meet Kate, your sister.” They both looked at me with a little question in their eyes. “Kate, this is Gunnar,” Viking said as he pushed the blond forward a little bit. “And this is Finn.” He did the same with the brunette.
“Hi there. Nice to meet you.”
It was weird, but I could see the resemblances between all of us. I hadn’t looked like my mom’s side of the family at all, and now I was in a room with three other people that clearly looked like me.
“Is dinner ready yet?” Gunnar asked, and I found it funny that while I sat here feeling all sorts of emotions about my newfound family, he could only think about food. Seemed about right for a thirteen-year-old boy, and it relaxed me that this was being treated just like any other day. As emotional as this was for me, I was glad no one was making a huge deal over it, or me.
“A few more minutes,” Meredith replied. “Why don’t you guys go set the table?”
They grumbled a response but did as their mom asked.
The five of us enjoyed a dinner of the most delicious roasted chicken I’d ever eaten, along with bacon-wrapped asparagus, and homemade rolls. Everything was perfect.
Throughout dinner, the boys talked about school, sports, video games, and other teenaged boy topics at nonstop speeds. All I could do was listen and laugh at their antics and family stories. Meredith and Viking clearly loved their boys fiercely. It hurt a little that I never got to have that when I was a kid, but I was happy I got to have my own version of it now.
We had just finished the chocolate pie, which Viking thanked me several times for bringing, and moved into the living room for coffee. The boys headed up to their rooms so they could finish their homework and get ready for bed, since it was a school night.
We continued to chat about everything. I learned that the Desert Sinners ow
ned a few local businesses, including an auto repair shop, a bar, and much to my embarrassment, a strip club. All of the members had jobs, most of them at a club-owned business. Even Meredith worked at the auto shop as the office manager.
Viking and Mac had both repeatedly told me they all took care of each other and worked hard to do so. To know they stood by their word with actions was profound to me. They trusted each other and respected each other to handle it. Trust was hard for me, but one of the walls I’d built to protect myself was starting to crack. I knew in my heart I could trust Viking, and if him, maybe Mac, too. Maybe, eventually, everyone in the club too.
I watched Meredith and my father talk, teasing each other as they told stories. They were affectionate and not afraid of showing it. To think, if we’d known about each other when I was a child… I pushed that aside because it’d do no good. I lived in the here and now, and I felt a sense of warmth and relief in having this second chance.
As the night went on, I could tell Viking wanted to say something but was trying to figure out how to bring it up. I saw him glance at Meredith, who gave him an almost imperceptible nod.
“So, I wanted to be honest with you about a couple of things,” he said, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his thighs, his hands folded clasped together between his knees. “First off, I know where you were living before you moved out here, and who you were living with.”
I tensed, wondering if this was the moment the other shoe dropped. “How…?”
“Background check,” he answered. “It’s standard practice.”
I exhaled, trying to relax. I didn’t know how I felt about it, but I wasn’t surprised. It made sense with their motto of protecting the club. I also knew I hadn’t exactly opened up to Viking in the way he had but I needed more time, and he seemed to be all right with it. For now.